Thursday, February 16, 2023

Classroom Management: Why Do We Even Need It?

As an educator, one of the most beneficial tools that one must learn about is proper management of a classroom. Classroom management can simply be defined as techniques and skills that a teacher can use to allow for their classroom to run smoothly, without unwanted behavior from their students. How a teacher manages their classroom can vary across ages and grades, however, it is an important skill to demonstrate throughout the entirety of a student's time in school. When a classroom is not properly managed, students will not be able to work to their fullest potential. The environment a teacher provides sets the mood for how smoothly learning will occur. Some key principles that make up classroom management are relationships with students, setting any necessary boundaries or rules, and finding ways to involve parents in their children's education. Although classroom management can take a lot of effort
initially, in the long run it is incredibly beneficial, not only for teachers leading their students, but for the students who are able to learn to their fullest capacity in an well-managed, structured environment. 

Four students working together to complete an assignment
Four students work together as
a group to complete an assignment.
In my own schooling experience, the classes I tended to be most successful in were the ones that had teachers who were utilizing proper classroom management skills. One of my favorite classes that I had was middle school algebra. My teacher was so passionate about teaching and always sought to make learning fun, however, she did set classroom rules and boundaries that allowed us to be successful. She would complete her main instruction and then allow us to work in groups to complete our assignments, however, we could only collaborate if we spoke at an appropriate level. She also used that time to check in on all of her students and make sure they were understanding all of the information. If my teacher had not established boundaries about when we could/couldn't talk and collaborate, she would not have been able to teach and check in on her students individually because she would have to worry about inappropriate behavior that may arise if students were left on their own. She made learning fun, but also made her students understand that we could only enjoy those activities if we respected her and her rules. When I remember my middle school algebra teacher's classroom, it reminds me that having a well-managed classroom does not mean that there can be no enjoyment or fun within a classroom. Classroom management is simply a tool that can and should be used to first, set the mood for a classroom and second, teach students appropriate behavior when completing activities in the classroom, whether independently or within groups. Proper classroom management allows for the creation of a fun, collaborative, and nurturing environment across all grade levels.

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Physical Features of the Earth - Digital Story

 Here is a video all about the Earth's physical features! I hope you enjoy it and can use it in your classrooms.